Hey everyone! I am currently in a good mood!
I finished reading a book, I received my mail order, I finished my assignments early...
and what's more?? i'm stuffed and happy!
Life is good...
So let's get this post started with all the good things that happened.
First, the book. The book i've been reading this past... few days was 'Vampire Academy: Blood Promise'
yeah i know what you guys are thinking : "Oh no, not another girly vampire romance books!"
To my defense, this book is certainly not your average vampire stories like oh, 'Twilight' or 'Vampire Diaries' that mostly FOCUSES on the love triangle between a girl and two hot vampire guys. or a werewolf. shapeshifter actually. doesn't matter.
anyway, no! this book is NOT about a childish and overly typical love triangle stories between a human girl and two supernatural beings. that's getting pretty old, fast. i mean it. The heroine in this story is certainly not weak, since she's the one that trains to protect her best friend. the story is pretty complicated and i'm not sure if i should drag on summarizing about it when most of you don't care. you can even get the summaries online and clearer on your own if you want to.
Well.. it does focus on love too, but at least it's not a love triangle. and the story's plot twist in such way that the lovers are in a stalemate against each other. 'kill or die' situation. so yeah. it's definitely better than twilight.
So this Blood Promise book is the fourth of the series, and i've yet to read the fifth and sixth books, which i think aren't out yet. i've read this book in less than 2 days, which is pretty slow if i do say so myself, considering i had finished reading the first three books in 2 days. well, it was the beginning of semester back then, so i wasn't as busy, and the assignment were very lacking in numbers.
if any of you like reading something that includes adventure, supernatural stuff, fantasy and well... romance, then go for it. this is the stuff for you. =)
Mail Order.
Last Monday, November 1st, I was promoted by my friend of an online shop in facebook; Airzone Shoppe. This shop mostly sell watches online, and pretty cheap too considering the branded designs. Well, keep in your mind that these things are replica. they're NOT original, and seriously, do you really think people would sell expensive branded ORIGINAL items by mail order? with the risk of it getting damaged or lost? Definitely, NO.
anyway, i bought, or ordered two watches from this shop. yeah. two. i used to own a watch, a black Nike watch. then one day when i got back home, my cute nephew saw my watch and ask very very extremely cutely; "Maksu...amir nak pinjam watch maksu... please?" and so with him being soooo undeniably cute, i can only say "sure."
so long story short (it's already pretty long actually) i bought two new watches from the facebook, and here they are!
for casual purposes.
for events and occasions.
i already received the items, and they're pretty satisfactory. well, looks and appearances aside, the most important aspect is for them to function and show the time correctly. the real ones are doing that, so yeah i'm satisfied.
For assignments... I don't really need to elaborate that much. I finished my assignments on my own without much help and handed it in early at 10am. that pretty much enhance my mood already; the feeling when you managed to answer the question on your own without help... is indescribable, but they're good. really good. you'll feel sooo... accomplished and touched. and i actually told myself "good job girl. good job."
now i'm encouraged to actually study for final exams! Ganbatte~!!!
And just when i thought it couldn't get any better...
i received a pm from a friend, and she mentioned about my gold bracelet. i instantaneously looked down at my right wrist... and noticed -as she had said- that my bracelet was gone! i must have dropped it somewhere!
Luckily, i mean seriously, luckily my friend told me that she found my bracelet lying on the ground, in her room. I immediately dashed off to find her and get my bracelet back. and thanked her profusely.
i don't know what i would have done if it had fallen off the road somewhere... i would never be able to find it, ever again. i immediately took her advice to heart and tied a string at my bracelet to hold both ends, so that they will stay tied even if they had somehow got unhooked.
i don't think anything can ruin my great mood today! well except for... things.
eh. whatever.
now... off to studying!
see you guys around! (^___^)

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