Hey guys! It's been a long time since I last updated this blog. Yes, I know I use this sentence quite a number of times -well actually like, every time i write a new post- but like I always said, whatever~ (>__<)
I don't really have anything to say... aside from that I had just gone through a hellish week of exams a few weeks back, an adventure -somewhat- of going back home, had some rest and some mishaps during the first few weeks of hols, hanging out and catching up with my best friends.... okay, that's actually quite a lot.
Okay okay, I admit it. I was lazy. Yes, the contagious disease that affects every people especially students that had suffered through exams and are currently resting their days off. I don't see many people updating their blogs either. But i have to admit that i had it worse, since i hadn't update it for... a month.
I would have let the record of not updating go on for a bit longer, but i had an unexpected visitor today... and well, he asked me; why haven't i been updating my blog?
so.. here it is!
yes, the pic has to be big.
Well it's a bit late to actually be talking about exams... but deal with it. this is going to be one long post.
1st Topic: Exams.
My exams started on the... well actually I don't remember, and I've deleted the exam schedules... but i think it started on 19th, with the paper Islamic Studies. No, I'm not going to tell you guys whether I'm confident with how I answered my papers. They are more or less... the same. Okay, I lie. They're difficult! All of 'em! Especially vector calc!
I'm not gonna prattle on exams any longer, talking about them just... ruin my mood. Therefore, a summary!
I took 5 papers during the exam weeks, and they are:
Islamic Studies
Vector Calculus
Engineering Fluid Mechanics
Solid Mechanics
Ok. That's all you need to know. No more talking about exams. No more. Fullstop. What? Exams? What the heck is that? Whatever are you talking about? I know nothing about exams. Lalalalallalalalalala...
2nd Topics: Packing up and going back home.
If you ask me about moments that I hate most... that would be waiting, rushing, and packing. And maybe some others. But these 3 are among the ones that I hate and encounter most. Waiting, for obvious reasons; who would like to wait and waste their time waiting when they can actually use the precious time for something more productive?? Especially when we're waiting for things or someone that have invalid reasons such as sleeping in and taking their own sweet time to get ready. Hello? You're not the only one that have other things to do then meeting up with someone else, like me. I have tons of better things or work to do too. Yes, this statement is based on personal experience.

And rushing is not a favorite. I especially hate to rush or making anyone wait. Partly because when I rush, I would usually forget things and it often becomes a "too little too late" situations. They sucks. And the other... because I would feel guilty. I hate waiting for others, so why would I make others wait? So rushing is a no-no. In the end, it's better for for the world if everyone is punctual and always be on time. Everyone will be happy then. The End.
And I just realized I haven't even started on packing and going home yet.
Packing... is the most torturous part of all three. I absolutely hate and loathe packing up or unpacking. As long as it have the word "pack" i would usually hate it.
Yes... pack yourself up... into the doom... >:(
I would loveeee to never pack at all for my whole life, but i travel a lot (to utp and back forth) and sometimes when i'm going on vacation or visit my relatives... packing is a necessity, unless i am actually willing to buy new things everytime i'm gone. that wouldn't be a problem... if i'm rich. as it is, my wallet is getting empty and i have no other choice but to wait for my scholarship money. ugh. money...money...money... money isn't everything! everything is money, but money is definitely not everything! (desperate attempt to look away from the reality. but it is true!) money definitely can't buy health, love, and family. (>__<) do not compare the real life to those freaking dramas on tv. They are all lies. Lies, I tell you.
Okayyy.. back to the topic (i seriously ran off the topic a lot). i started packing on 30th nov, the final day for my paper Geomatic (wait, what paper? exam? i can't hear ya~~) in the evening, like 2pm. then i packed and watched movie/tv series/read fanfic (in short, distracted) then packed and distracted and packed and so on.... till i fell asleep at 5pm. yes, you can imagine that i didn't actually pack much at that point.
woke up at 6 something, and rolled around on the bed, wondering and reminiscing, showered and prayed... until almost 9pm. and yes, i still didn't pack much at all. then i started to get serious! (*cough cough*) i began to pack (while getting distracted still) until 2am! i slept for 3 hours to replenish my packing energy before waking up early where the sun was still having some relaxing time before checking in for work. i continued to pack and pack (must kill the word 'pack'...) and finally when i was done boxing everything up, it's time for...! (yet another torturous moment) to carry down the boxes and bags from the 4th floor to the common room of the opposite block that acts as the storeroom.

and get this. I got to move 4 boxes and 4 luggages plus one mat and pail with waste basket, and all these stuffs just for the storeroom. i still got another one luggage bag and one of those large bags that are sold at RM10 and below (i don't really know how to explain it, but the bags are like sacks) and it was freaking heavy! i felt like my shoulder would suddenly fall off or got dislocated for shouldering the bag (can't help it, the 'sack' bag was too large that i would actually be dragging it on the floor if i didn't shoulder it.). it was a nightmareeeeeeeee.....
thankfully i got to finish moving all the things and freshen up in time before meeting my friends (while still shouldering the bags... and did i mention that i was carrying another laptop bag on my back? no? then yes, i carried 3 bags with me) for breakfast. we had some breakfast, but started moving really late at 9.13am (more or less)
my train was at 9.29am, and you know how the KTM can be very punctual. my friend drove like mad and he was speeding all the way to the station. but the sad thing was, we didn't make it. by the time my watch reads 9.30am, i knew with all my heart that i had missed the train (and we were still on the way to the station). sometimes punctuality can be a problem. if i was taking a bus, i wouldn't have flushed down my ticket money down the drain! since you know, buses are very very bad at being on time.
i take it back. i love punctuality. the train isn't wrong, we were the ones at fault. we should have gone there earlier instead of speeding at the last minute. and besides, i had enough of waiting for the bus for an hour and more. they're really testing my patience.
Time is gold. Be punctual people. Punctual.
Anyway, i was lucky enough that my friends were on their way back to their home, which is Melaka, by the way. So instead of stopping at the station and be hit by reality that I
had missed the train, we carried on forward with Melaka as the destination. Well actually mine was Restoran Jejantas Sungai Buloh. yes. an R&R. they weren't gonna enter KL, so the best that they could send me to is this R&R. It's a good thing this R&R isn't that far away from my place.
So i arrived at the R&R at around 11.30am. and surprise surprise... my sister wasn't getting out until lunch break. i lazed around the R&R (which, by the definition of carrying 3 heavy bags, wasn't that far), mostly sitting at one of the restaurant tables for an hour and half. it was such a relief when she finally arrived; i was getting sore carrying the bags. It's a shame that my sister had to immediately went back to work after dropping me home. It was just a short lunch break after all. i spent the entire day at home, mostly alone, until my sis-in-law came with my nephew. well, i was just glad that i finally got home and get the burden of bags off my shoulders.
the next day, i was sore all over. packing and moving is definitely not fun.
sore all over... aauh damn...
wow. what a surprise. i actually have plenty and a lot more things to tell! what a... surprise... i was actually thinking about how i didn't have much things to tell... apparently, i was wrong!
but this post has gotten long enough, i might continue writing the rest tomorrow... or the day after tomorrow... or whenever... if i got motivated. :P
so... see you guys around! and happy holidays to all!
and bones, here's an update as promised! (^___^) it's a lil bit late... but i did say 'tonight', and it's not the 15th morning yet! So...! a comment please? ehehehe...